Easily calculate rewards for Kickstarter and IndieGoGo with this spreadsheet
When I was designing the different rewards for the Bionique Kickstarter I made a simple spreadsheet to quickly calculate how many people I needed and at what reward levels. I shared my spreadsheets with a couple friends and they found them useful so I decided to share...
Pixar’s 22 rules of storytelling
A couple days ago my friend Richard posted on Facebook a picture that had "Pixar's 22 rules of storytelling ". I've seen this flying around Facebook a couple times and whether Pixar really made these rules or someone just put 'Pixar' there to make it sound better, I...
Success in Hollywood without film school
There's a hard reality that hits most people when they graduate college and go out to the real world after 2 to 4 years of hard study. Something they don't tell you when you're in the process of choosing where to get your degree from. Wanna know what it is? Here it...
Quick passive income idea: Sell your extra footage
Whether you have a camera and are always shooting stuff or you're an editor, producer, or VFX artists with tons of footage or pictures from your old projects that you never used, here's a quick idea for some extra money: Sell it as stock footage. What I like best...
Tips for the hollywood freelancer / self-employed
Working in the entertainment industry usually means being self employed. The closest you can come to a 'regular job' in this industry is probably a TV show, most 'jobs' however, usually last from one day to a few months. In this article I'll go over some lessons I...
The science behind following your gut
One of the most important lessons in business or anywhere you're dealing with other people is... the other people. How do you know if they'll honor their part of the deal? We've all heard the horror stories, especially in Hollywood. Unfortunately, there's no...
The 4 building blocks of a fulfilling career
I love watching celebrities' stories. Not the ones on E! about their break ups and rehab, but the ones about their path to success. As entertaining and inspiring as those stories are though, when you try to apply them to your own life is hard to know exactly what to...
Sitting all day? Quick tips for editors, writers and anyone who spends all day on their butt.
Not that long ago, before the digital revolution, editing and doing visual effects were way more active. Visual effects artists had to cut, paint, paste, build miniatures, etc. while editors had to move around the room getting all the little strips of film that would...