Why I stopped making people look younger and thinner

Why I stopped making people look younger and thinner

It is widely known that models and celebrities never look in real life like they do in pictures. Magazines and ads in particular are famous for photoshopping the hell out of them. You know… Take a pimple out, or wrinkles, remove a double chin, add a six pack,...

The 5 Best Options for Rocío

I was talking to a friend of mine who is really bored with her job the other day and wants out. She told me that in her job she was mostly reading one of those BS lists like ’10 reasons why Kanye West needs braces’. We joked that there should be a list for...

Making an epic short film on a budget

Over the last year and a half I’ve been putting together an action packed sci-fi show for the web called ‘Bionique’, and we’re doing it with a budget so low it’s ridiculous. We made a Prologue Episode and a Trailer (that you can watch at...